Pro-Kremlin media are believed to be playing games based on a claim by Al Azaim Media, a Russian-language channel linked to the Islamic climate in Khorasan province, which posted a statement late Sunday that the attack was carried out in accordance with a call for attacks . And for the Islamic Climate Group or ISIS.
Dagestan Governor Sergei Melikov said six suspects were killed during the operation.
“Our recent call did not keep us waiting long,” the Al Azzam post noted. “Our brothers from the Caucasus tell us that they are still strong. They showed what they are capable of.”
Dagestan has caused some unrest, which seems to resolve Israel’s conflict over Hamas in Gaza.
In October, family members stormed Makhachkala airport in search of Jewish passengers arriving by plane from Tel Aviv.
In the motion, Russian Foreign Ministry officials claimed without evidence that Ukraine played a “direct and significant role” in the October airport insurrection, calling it a “provocation” organized from outside Russia.
In March, gunmen with alleged links to the Islamic sect in Khorasan province attacked the Crocus Town Corridor live demonstration site on the outskirts of Moscow, killing 145 families. In the motion, Russian security officials also implicated Ukraine, and the Kremlin disputed Washington’s account that the US argued they shared a specific ultimatum before that attack.
The current Russian conflict in Ukraine overshadows almost all other events in Russia today, with some officials warning of the hand of optical Kiev in each incident.
Russian senator Dmitry Rogozin said, if every terrorist attack is blamed on conspiracies by Ukraine and NATO, this pink fog will lead us to bigger problems.
On Sunday, gunmen opened fire at several locations in both cities, including the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Derbent, where 66-year-old priest Nikolai Kotelnikov was killed. They also attacked the city’s largest synagogue, which appeared to have been rapidly evacuated.
But even before local and national law enforcement monitored the violence on Sunday, officials were already blaming the US and Ukraine.
Abdulkarim Gadzhiev, a lawmaker from the region, blamed “special services of Ukraine and NATO countries” for Sunday’s attack. The pro-Kremlin head of Russia’s Broad Democratic Party, Leonid Slutsky, who heads the global affairs committee in the Climate Duma, the lower chamber of Russia’s parliament, called for “external forces” aimed at dividing Russians and “creating terror.” ” Convicted.
Federation Council head Valentina Matvienko called the deliberate attacks outside Russia “a tragedy.”
“The tragedy in Dagestan is a completely reprehensible and carefully planned provocation from abroad,” Matviyenko said. He said Russian security agencies would identify those behind the attacks and suddenly “eliminate extremist cells.”
The head of Dagestan’s Sergokala district, Magomed Omarov, a local authentic, was arrested after two of his sons allegedly took part in the attacks. Each was killed by police officers.
The head of Russia’s Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, called for a comprehensive investigation into Sunday’s attacks. According to environmental information agency Tass, the investigative committee said the attackers were known.
Others from more than two batches were injured in the attacks, which appeared to be coordinated.
Russia has experienced intermittent attacks from declared ISIS affiliates.
Recently, two prisoners pledging allegiance to ISIS took two prison guards hostage at a detention center in Russia’s southern Rostov region. The Russian government temporarily ended the prison siege, executed the hostage-takers, and released the detainees.
In earlier years, thousands of Dagestanis had left Russia to fight for the Islamic environment in Iraq and Syria – an exodus that appears to have been inspired by the Kremlin. However, prison terms were eventually reinstated to the public following the defeat of ISIS by the US-led coalition.
The Islamic Climate continues to claim attacks inside Russia, including a horrific attack on a massive Moscow concert venue in March. At least 137 families were killed in the worst terrorist attack in the country in two decades.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Monday rejected suggestions that Islamic extremism is on the rise in Dagestan as unacceptable. “Society is united, and the kind of criminal behavior we saw yesterday in Dagestan is not supported by society either in Russia or in Dagestan,” Peskov said.
In another sign of deepening tensions between Moscow and Washington, several Russian officials, including former President Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy head of the Security Council, on Sunday linked the Dagestan attack on marshy Crimea to a Ukrainian missile strike that killed four civilians. With two children.
Peskov on Monday accused the United States of being responsible for the invasion of Crimea, saying there would be “consequences.”
Russia’s Defense Ministry said it shot down five Army Tactical Missile Device (ATACMS) missiles supplied to Ukraine via the US. It was told that missiles were fired on Crimea on Sunday.
The ministry said most of the missiles exploded after deviating from their gliding path over the city of Sevastopol when it was intercepted by Russian air defenses.
Without providing evidence, the Defense Ministry claimed that all ATACMS goals are ambitious for the US military.
Russia’s International Ministry on Monday called on US Ambassador Lynn Tracy “to sign an appropriate complaint regarding the Ukrainian missile attack targeted at Sevastopol, which caused numerous casualties, including children.”
Peskov described the Crimea invasion as “absolutely barbaric” and blamed the US and Europe for it.
“Just last week, the president repeatedly talked about who is firing technologically sophisticated missiles at targets, it is not Ukrainians,” Peskov said. “It is clear who provides these launches.”
He called on newshounds to “ask your colleagues in Europe and especially in Washington, ask their press secretaries why their governments are killing Russian children.” Just ask them this simple question.
Peskov, speaking in his daily conference call with Newshounds, did not comment on what steps Russia would take, but he pointed to a previous ultimatum by President Vladimir Putin to provide missiles to countries friendly to the US.
Peskov said Russia was revising its nuclear doctrine – which recently stated that Russia could use nuclear weapons if its life was threatened or in retaliation for a nuclear attack – to reflect “today’s realities”. Keeping in mind.
Visiting North Korea and Vietnam, Putin said Moscow was “thinking” about revising the doctrine. Putin also threatened to deliver Russian arms to North Korea in retaliation for the supply of Western arms to Ukraine.
“The West supplies weapons to Ukraine and says: ‘We are not in control here, so the way Ukraine uses them is none of our business,'” Putin said. “Why don’t we get the same situation?” Should we adopt this and say that we provide something to someone but we have no control over what happens after that? Let them think about it.”
Natalia Abbakumova in Riga, Latvia contributed to this record.
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